Are you curious about Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food, the specially formulated fertilizer to help your plant thrive?
Click to watch the video below to learn more about Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food.
Hi, I’m Claire Akin with The Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Center. Today I want to tell you about Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food. We created this specifically for fiddle leaf fig plants, or ficus lyrata. It is the perfect NPK ratio (3-1-2) to support healthy growth and root systems for your fiddle leaf fig. The way that we developed it is so that you can use it every single week without any risk of overfertilizing your fiddle leaf fig plant.
Because fiddle leaf figs have big leaves and they’re constantly growing, you will want to make sure that you give them proper nutrition so that they stay dark green, shiny, and gorgeous. This is a fertilizer that you can use every single time you water your fiddle leaf fig.
Once a week you will use one teaspoon of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food per plant. Just dilute it with the normal watering and water and fertilize rear-round for healthy and robust growth in your fiddle leaf fig plant.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food Before and After

Grab the Essentials for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig:
- Premium Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil
- Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food
- Root Rot Treatment to treat one of the most common issues affecting plants.
- Houseplant Leaf Armor to protect against insects, bacteria, and fungus (As an added bonus, it also cleans and adds shine to your fiddle leaf fig plant’s leaves!)
- Moisture meter to always know when your fiddle leaf fig plant is thirsty.
- Houseplant Propagation Promoter to propagate your fiddle leaf fig plant more quickly and with more success.
To learn more:
- Make sure you’re subscribed to our Fiddle Leaf Fig Club newsletter.
- Read The Fiddle Leaf Fig Expert, your complete guide to growing healthy fiddle leaf fig plants. The book is available in full-color paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon now!
- Click to join our community on Facebook: Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Group.