Are Lacewings Harmful to a Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Are lacewings harmful to a fiddle leaf fig? Keep reading to learn what lacewings are and whether or not they pose a threat to your beloved plant.

Are Lacewings Harmful to a Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Have you ever noticed tiny, silvery white bugs flying around your house or garden? These insects are called lacewings and they feed on aphids and other small insects. They’re a beneficial insect that can help keep your garden free of pests.

But what about the fiddle leaf fig tree in your living room? Are lacewings harmful to a fiddle leaf fig? Keep reading to learn what lacewings are and whether or not they pose a threat to your beloved plant.

Are lacewings harmful to a fiddle leaf fig? Keep reading to learn what lacewings are and whether or not they pose a threat to your beloved plant.

What are Lacewings?

Lacewings are a type of predatory insect that is commonly used in agriculture and gardens to control pests. They are generalists, meaning they will eat a wide variety of insects including aphids, caterpillars, thrips, whiteflies, and mites. Lacewings can be either green or brown and adults have wings with a lacy appearance. Larvae are typically more voracious predators than adults and can consume up to 200 prey items during their development.

Lacewings are considered beneficial insects because they help to naturally control pest populations. However, they can occasionally become pests themselves if their populations become too large. If you find lacewings on your fiddle leaf fig, it is best to leave them alone as they will eventually die off on their own.

Are They Harmful to my Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Lacewings are a type of predatory insect that feeds on other smaller insects, including aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs. While they can be beneficial to gardens and indoor plants by helping to control these pests, they can also become a nuisance in your home. Adult lacewings only feed on pollen and nectar, so they are not likely to be the culprit that is munching on your Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves.

What Can Lacewings Do to my Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Lacewings are predators that feast on soft-bodied pests, such as aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs. While lacewings will not harm your fiddle leaf fig, they may inadvertently damage the leaves while hunting for prey. If you notice any frass (insect droppings) or webbing on your plant, it is best to remove the lacewings by hand.

Are lacewings harmful to a fiddle leaf fig? Keep reading to learn what lacewings are and whether or not they pose a threat to your beloved plant.

Should I Leave Lacewings Alone If I Find Them on my Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Yes, you should leave lacewings alone if you find them on your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Lacewings are beneficial predators that feed on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. They are harmless to humans, pets and plants. However, if they do become a nuisance in your home, you can remove them, or carefully relocate them to your outdoor garden.

Are Lacewings Harmful to a Fiddle Leaf Fig? How to Get Rid of Lacewings

There are a few different ways to get rid of lacewings. You can use traps, pesticides, or natural predators. Traps are the most common method of getting rid of lacewings. Pesticides are also effective, but they can be dangerous to humans and pets if not used properly. Natural predators, such as ladybugs and green Lacewing larvae, can also be used to control lacewing populations.

If you’re using traps or pesticides, be sure to follow the directions carefully. And if you’re using natural predators, make sure to release them into your home at night when the lacewings are active.

Helping a Plant Recover After a Lacewing Infestation

Lacewings are likely not the culprit behind the damage on your Fiddle Leaf Fig, but there likely is still damage from the insects that the lacewings were hunting on your plant.

First, remove any affected leaves and dispose of them. Then, wash the remaining leaves with a mild soap and water solution to get rid of any eggs or larvae. Next, apply a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to the plant to kill any remaining insects. Finally, give your plant some extra TLC by fertilizing it and keeping it well watered. Make sure to continue monitoring your plant and checking the leaves weekly for any signs of insects. With a little time and patience, your Fiddle Leaf Fig will be back to its healthy and gorgeous and green self in no time!

How to Prevent a Lacewing Infestation

If you see lacewings on your plant, it’s likely because you have another insect present that may not be so nice to your plants. Here are some tips on how to prevent a lacewing infestation:

1. Keep your yard and garden clean. Lacewings are attracted to areas with high populations of other insects, so maintaining a tidy outdoor or indoor plant space will help to discourage them from setting up shop in your yard.

2. Inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests. If you see any evidence of an insect infestation, take action immediately to address the problem. Lacewings will likely move in if there is already an established population of pests for them to feed on.

3. Use traps or baits to catch all insects on your plant. These products can help to reduce the number of lacewings in your area and make it less likely that they will invade your home.

4. Seal up any cracks or gaps around your home’s exterior. This will help to keep lacewings (and other pests) out of your house and prevent them from establishing a nest inside.


Lacewings are beneficial predatory insects that are part of the natural balance in your garden environment. They can help keep other harmful pests in check, and don’t usually do much damage to plants. To minimize potential damage to your Fiddle Leaf Fig, use a combination of methods such as physical removal and biological controls like using natural predators to maintain the lacewing population at an acceptable level. With a little bit of knowledge and effort, you should be able to keep your Fiddle Leaf Fig growing happily and insect free.

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