Fiddle leaf fig propagation is not hard and you can be successful, I promise!
The first step is to try.
I suggest taking 3 cuttings to begin with. You may lose 1 or 2 of them, but you are more likely to have at least 1 successfully grow roots for propagation.
Steps to Propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig
Step 1: Choose your container.

I recommend using a clear glass container. This ensures you can see the roots and see if the water is cloudy.
This also allows light to get in to kill some of the microbial activity as you propagate your plant.
Step 2: Fill with water.
To propagate a fiddle leaf fig you need to use the right kind of water. t’s important to use the right water for your propagation container. Use dechlorinated water or use tap water and let it sit out overnight for 12-14 hours to allow for better root growth. This also ensures you will not shock your cutting.
Step 3: Take your cuttings.
Begin by taking a cutting of 2-3 leaves. This gives your plant the resources it needs to grow new roots without spending energy supporting more leaves on top.
Take 2 or 3 cuttings to propagate to increase your chances of having a successful propagated fiddle leaf fig.
If you have trouble keeping your cuttings upright in their container or medium, you should try these easy-to-use node holders. This handy propagation tool is a simple way to keep root cuttings healthy and in place while they take root, which gives those roots more room to grow without the added pressure of supporting the plant’s weight. This plant node support also helps your cuttings root faster!
Step 4: Add a rooting hormone.
Rooting hormones increase your chances of propagation success and without it, the roots will grow much slower. Propagate a fiddle leaf fig quicker with a rooting hormone.
Most cuttings fail because of bacteria in the water. The longer your cutting is in the water, the more chances it has of developing an infection. An infection will kill off the cutting.
Shorter time frame in the water equals maximum propagation success.
Our Propagation Promoter and Rooting Hormone protects your cutting against bacteria and fungal growth in the water. It shortens the time your cutting needs in the water which increase the chances of a successful propagation.
Step 5: Leave your cutting in indirect light.
When you propagate a fiddle leaf fig, light is important. Your propagation container needs to be left in bright, indirect light. Direct light will scorch the leaves and light that heats the water can increase bacteria growth.
Step 6: Keep cutting warm.
When the cutting is kept warm, it speeds up the root growth process. You can achieve this by using a heating pad underneath the container or placing it in a warm area of your home.
How Long Does it Take for Roots to Grow?

Roots can take up to 6-8 weeks to grow. Don’t give up until after the 8 week mark.
Avoid changing the water but if it is cloudy you will want to put in fresh dechlorinated water and add rooting hormone to new water. This is key when you propagate a fiddle leaf fig.
As your new cutting is growing roots, you want them to be 1″ long or more and you can see more than 6+ roots.
Keep the cutting moist in a small container. When you pot it into soil, you want to continue to use the propagation promoter and fertilizer to support the healthy root growth.
As it gets root bound, increase the size of your container and you have a new plant to keep or give away to a friend. Now you have the steps to succesfully propagate a fiddle leaf fig.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation Bundle
To help you become a master fiddle leaf fig propagator, consider our Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation Bundle. Quickly propagate a fiddle leaf fig plant today!

Save over 15% by purchasing the bundle of our Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food, Houseplant Propagation Promoter, and our Fiddle Leaf Fig Premium Soil.
To learn more:
- Sign up for our free Fiddle Leaf Fig Care 101 Webinar or our free Fiddle Leaf Fig Course, and make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter.
- Download our free Propagation Guide
- Read The Fiddle Leaf Fig Expert, your complete guide to growing healthy fiddle leaf fig plants. The book is available in full-color paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon now!
- Join our Facebook Community and chat with other fiddle leaf fig lovers.
Grab the Essentials for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig:
- Premium Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil
- Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food
- Root Rot Treatment to treat one of the most common issues affecting fiddle leaf figs.
- Houseplant Leaf Armor to protect against insects, bacteria, and fungus (As an added bonus, it also cleans and adds shine to your plant’s leaves!)
- Moisture meter to always know when your plant is thirsty.